For the rest of you, it all began on Saturday, August 16, 2008 at approximately 8:03am.
(Believe it or not, what you're about to see doesn't even include over 1/2 of the pictures...)
After landing and finding my sister who had been sleeping at Logan for 9 hours because she was too afraid to venture into the city alone, it was time for our very first subway ride!

We made it to the hotel, dropped off our bags, had a quick change of clothes, and we were off to explore. Well, after we filled up our water bottle in the hallway.

First stop - Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market. It was so cool to be in the very building where Boston was declared a city. And yes, that is clam chowda that I'm eating. I gave up vegetarianism for the weekend and enjoyed the delicious goodness every chance I got. Please forgive me, Marissa and Emily.
Next, sister did her best impression of Rocky and ran up the steps to City Hall, only to embrace this statue that led to the great 'lollipop v. push pin' debate. We're still taking votes.

Then we headed to the part of the trip that sister had been dreading - graveyards! We just followed these handy dandy markers on the sidewalk.
First up was King's Chapel Burying Ground, where we found what sister refers to as 'demonic evidence that they're going to haunt us forever'
Next, the torture continued with Granary Burying Ground. Here lay the likes of Paul Revere, John Hancock, Sam Adams, the victims of the Boston Massacre, and so many more... 

Right next door was Park Street Church --- such a beautiful place. I only wish that the pictures did it justice.
Soon, we found ourselves in Boston Common, looking across the street at the Massachusetts State House, enjoying frozen lemonade, loving the statues honoring our soldiers, and stumbling upon a Revolutionary re-enactment, and a frog pond that had no actual frogs in it.

After this, we were STARVING, so we headed back to Quincy Market and had my birthday dinner at Dick's Last Resort, where I enjoyed a delicious Blue Moon Beer the size of me, and received a hat from our waitress that said, "Bang me like a's my birthday!" before heading to the Elephant & Castle Pub for karaoke and some hard alcohol.

And that concludes Day 1. You think you're tired???
Day 2: August 17, 2008. Trolley Day!
We took almost the full 2 hour ride around town before hitting the all important U.S.S. Constitution stop. The oldest floating warship in the world, Old Ironsides was commissioned to order by the one and only George Washington, and is stationed at Charlestown Navy Yard with over 300 active duty sailors guarding her and giving tours.
Then we boarded the trolley again, and hung on for dear life, as it seems that our new driver's shift was ending soon and she was bound and determined to get us to our next stop, where everybody knows your name, in 3.6 seconds.

We made it! Cheers 1 and Cheers 2! Cheers 1: The Bull & Finch, the inspiration for the show.
Cheers 2: The fake one, that replicates the set. As any good fan would, we had a drink both places.
Other sites included, the clock tower, the Holocaust Museum, and the balcony from which the Declaration of Independence was read to the public for the very first time.
After such a long 2 days, we were exhausted.
Day 3: FENWAY, BABY!!!! August 18, 2008. Happy Birthday to ME!
I made it to the Holy Grail of baseball! And not only did I see it, I sat in the press box, on top of the Green Monsta', and in the oldest seats in all of baseball --- Mark Grace's #17 was of course my seat of choice.

Sadly, after what seemed like only moments in the city of my dreams, it was time to head home to Sin City. See you in November, sister! I cried for the first 15 minutes of my flight, and the very sweet lady next to me tried to comfort me, until she realized I wasn't afraid of flying, and then spent the remaining 4 hours asking me about Vegas.

Thank you, Boston, for not letting me down. I'll be back soon!
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